Before You Say I Do Read online

Page 11

  All her brides.

  Because this was a job to Jordan.

  Nothing more.

  Abby had to remember that.

  “Anyway, how about a race? Last one to the end of the pool and back makes the coffee.”

  Abby grinned. “You’re on.”

  Chapter 16

  The yacht wasn’t just a yacht; it was a superyacht. A slice of heaven on the water.

  “Fuck me,” were Jordan’s first words as she boarded, admiring the polished wooden decks under her feet. Jordan had seen this level of opulence before, but experiencing such a boat was still a treat.

  Taran came dashing up from the lower deck, and grabbed Delta’s arm. “You have to come and see the bedrooms down here,” she said, giving Delta no choice. “It’s absolutely unreal. The lush fabrics! The amount of cushions! And there are mirrors everywhere.”

  Jordan followed Marcus’s cousins, Arielle and Martha, up some steps to the middle deck. The sun was already hot on her back, and now she saw where the wall-to-wall Beyoncé was coming from. Beyond an outdoor round table that could seat ten, was an indoor lounge and bar, accessed via double glass doors. They were wide open, with a blond bartender hard at work within.

  “There better be at least a plunge pool onboard.” Arielle turned to Martha. “We don’t want this trip to turn out like Cassandra’s disaster, do we?”

  Martha shuddered. She pointed through the double doors. “At least the barman is good looking. Cassandra’s yacht had no pool and female bar staff. Hen party suicide.”

  Jordan already felt sorry for Cassandra.

  Up some more stairs was the top deck. Gloria stood there, mouth open. She beckoned to Jordan and Nikita. “Come and see this!” Had she become more Scottish since she boarded? “There’s a pool! On a boat!”

  Jordan and Nikita did as they were told. The aqua blue of the plunge pool shimmered in the middle of the top deck, surrounded by loungers and sofas. Perhaps Arielle and Martha wouldn’t be giving this weekend such a bad write-up after all.

  Jordan had expected a bloke called Pierre behind the bar, or perhaps Thierry, with a cool, French accent dripping from his lips. Instead, they’d got an Aussie named Travis. Not that any of the hen do were disappointed with Travis’s easy charm and rippling muscles.

  The sun beat down as Jordan reclined on one of the sun loungers. It was a lot of boat for ten of them to fill, but they were going to try their best.

  Next to Jordan, Gloria had her pale Scottish skin out. She sat beside her daughter who’d inherited the same. If Abby matured like Gloria, Marcus had struck some deal. Gloria was wearing a black bikini, and it was showing off toned legs and hard abs that had already drawn amazed stares from the rest of the hen party.

  “I want to know now, Gloria. Tell me the secret of looking as good as you do in your late 50s.” Jordan held up her phone. “Tell me now, and I’m going to broadcast it live on Instagram so the rest of the world can watch and learn.”

  Gloria threw her head back and let out a cackle of laughter. “Square sausage and brown sauce, of course.” She grinned at Jordan. “Do you know what that is, hen?”

  Jordan shook her head. She had absolutely zero idea what the hell Gloria was talking about.

  Gloria tapped Abby on the thigh. “You need to get this one around to yours for a bit of square sausage. Although it’s usually eaten for breakfast, so you might have to turn up very early in the morning. Or else stay the night before. You girls have got years to catch up on, so that wouldn’t be a problem, would it?” She gave them both an extravagant wink.

  Jordan glanced at Abby, who was giving her mum the universal “please don’t embarrass me” face.

  She smiled.

  She was also busy imagining staying the night at Abby’s place, but instead of breakfast, she was imagining all-night sex, and waking up naked and sated, their skin sticking to each other in a deliciously new way.

  Jordan blinked hard to get rid of that particular image. Square sausage couldn’t compete with that.

  Not safe for work. Jordan was very much at work.

  “I think Jordan can live without that particular breakfast.” Abby sat forward, moving her sunglasses up her face.

  Was it Jordan’s imagination, or was Abby’s gaze sliding down her body?

  She blinked again.

  Something rushed in her chest.

  It must be her imagination.

  “The world always needs square sausage, young lady,” Gloria said. “Don’t shy away from your roots. I know we had eggs, avocado, and smoked salmon this morning and it was delicious. But sometimes, a square sausage is the only thing that’ll cut it.” She pointed at her chest. “At least for this proud Scot.”

  Abby laughed, her gaze still on Jordan. “When we get home, I’ll cook you some, okay? Mum’s right. You need to experience it once in your life.”

  Desire pooled in her stomach as she focused on Abby in her blue polka dot bikini. Damn, her legs were fine.

  “I’m always up for new and exciting experiences, so count me in.” Had she managed to make that reply light and throwaway?

  Gloria looked from one to the other, as if she might say something, then didn’t. “Anyway, we’ve been on this boat for 20 minutes and nobody’s brought the bride a drink!”

  Jordan jumped up. Shit, she was forgetting her duties.

  However, Gloria shook her head. “Let’s get her other bridesmaids on the case, shall we? Delta! Taran! We need drinks!”

  Abby bent down and rummaged in her bag.

  Jordan stared at the piercing blue sky. Cloudless. Unlike her mind.

  “Can you do my back?” Abby held up a bottle of sunscreen to Gloria.

  Gloria jumped up. “I have to go to the loo, I’ve been dying to for a while now but I keep putting it off. Why do we do that?” She glanced Jordan’s way. “Jordan can do it for you, can’t you?”

  Jordan nodded, her mouth a desert. “It’s what I’m here for.”

  Abby moved in front of Jordan, giving her the bottle. “Thanks.” She didn’t look sure about this turn of events, either.

  Jordan cleared her throat, glancing around the boat. Everyone was elsewhere. It was a big yacht. None of them were taking any notice of Jordan and Abby.

  After all, it was just applying sunscreen. To Abby’s firm, pale shoulders.

  The same ones Jordan may or may not have imagined kissing earlier.

  She gave the bottle three pumps before applying it to Abby’s back, trying not to overthink this. Her fingertips tingled as she swept them across Abby’s satin skin.

  “Make sure you get a good coverage,” Abby said. “A burnt or peeling bride is never a good look.”

  “Gotcha.” Jordan sprayed some more, applying it to the back of Abby’s arms, the side of her back. Jordan’s fingertips strayed near to the edge of Abby’s breast, but she made sure there was no contact.

  Abby turned her head, snagging Jordan’s gaze for a moment. “You need me to unhook my top?”

  So many answers swirled around Jordan’s head, but she shook her head. “I’ll work around it. Don’t worry, this is not my first rodeo.”

  And yet, in many ways, it felt like it was.

  A few hours later, after a spot of jet-skiing, they had lunch around the back table, before retiring to the front of the boat. Travis was pumping tunes across the deck, and the hen party volume had gone up considerably. Nikita and Erin kept freaking everyone out with their Jaws impressions. Gloria had missed a spot with her sunscreen and had burned the back of her neck.

  Meanwhile, Delta had her phone out, and was getting the hens to pose two by two at the front of the yacht, “just like Leo and Kate in Titanic.”

  “I’m going to edit it and put it in a video, with Celine singing in the background.” Delta seemed to have put aside her heartbreak like a hero, and was taking her lead bridesmaid role seriously.

  Abby was impressed. Delta had stepped up today, making sure the group were constantly entertained. />
  So far, Taran had tried to be Kate Winslet, with Gloria her willing Leonardo di Caprio. However, it hadn’t been a silver screen moment. Taran had looked down and wobbled, thinking she was going to fall into the ocean and get eaten by sharks. She’d shrieked and fallen backwards, sending Gloria toppling to the floor. Gloria’s bikini bottom had ridden up her arse, giving the whole group far more than they’d bargained for.

  Everyone was still getting over it. And still laughing.

  “Okay, who’s next for the Leo and Kate treatment.” Delta scanned the group. “What about you two?” She pointed a finger at Abby, then at Jordan.

  Abby cleared her throat, shaking her head. “Someone else can go first.”

  Beside her, Jordan nodded. “I’m still full from lunch.”

  Delta looked at them like they’d gone mad. “I’m not asking you to perform a dance routine. You just have to stand at the front, clutch the metal rod and give me your best Hollywood impression. Abby, pretend Jordan is Leo. Or Marcus. Whichever one makes you most weak at the knees.”

  Jordan glanced at Abby, giving her a shrug. “I’m game if you are.”

  Abby stalled. More close contact, after she’d nearly collapsed when Jordan had applied sun lotion earlier? She’d made sure she sat away from her at lunch, but they just kept getting drawn back together. Mainly because whatever she wanted, Jordan was always on hand to get it. She was impossibly good at her job.

  “Remember Abby. Give the camera those come-to-bed eyes!”

  From being impressed with Delta, she wished she was just a little sadder and heartbroken right now.

  Jordan climbed up onto the sofa, holding out a hand to Abby.

  She took it, taking in Jordan’s sun-kissed hair, and her dazzling smile. In that moment, Abby knew just who was making her weak at the knees.

  Their eyes met, and Jordan gave her a beaming smile, her hand wrapped around one of the boat’s white poles, her pose relaxed.

  Desire hit Abby square in the gut, almost winding her. She styled it out, giving Delta what she wanted, with much whooping from the group as she slotted herself in front of Jordan. Abby could hear them, but they weren’t as loud as her heart, that was beating like a drum in her ears as Jordan’s arm encircled her, their bodies melding.

  Abby stared out at the ocean, just as the boat hit a wave. She wobbled to one side. Jordan saved her. She righted herself.

  “You okay?” Jordan’s concerned eyes were on her.

  Abby nodded. “More than okay.”

  “Okay, now let’s have the money shot! Arms up in three, two, one!”

  Jordan stepped closer behind her, both arms now holding her in place.

  Abby almost forgot to breathe. She leaned back into her, relishing the moment. “I’m the king of the world!” she shouted.

  Right then, at that moment, she believed it.

  More whooping from behind, just as the boat hit another wave.

  Both Abby and Jordan were knocked off balance. Jordan fell sideways, bringing Abby down on top of her. They landed on the sofa with a cushioned thud.

  When Abby opened her eyes, her lips were inches from Jordan’s.

  Electricity crackled between them as Jordan opened her eyes.

  Was she feeling this, too? This connection? Abby would love to ask.

  But now wasn’t really the right time.

  Delta appeared at their side. “I didn’t ask for that extra bit at the end, but it’s going to make a cracking video for my bridesmaid speech. I thank you!”

  Abby had forgotten she was being recorded. “Fantastic.”

  Jordan was still staring at her.

  Even though the sun was high in the sky at 4pm, the water was cooler than they’d imagined. Abby climbed down the aluminium ladder on the side of the boat, then flung herself backwards, floating in the sea. For a moment, she was at peace. Just her, the sea and her thoughts.

  Until Delta jumped in with a yelp, breaking the moment.

  The salt water stung Abby’s eyes and she spat some out of her mouth as her perfect moment was ruined. “You’re a real pearl, you know that?”

  Delta grinned. “It’s been said before.” She took Abby’s face in her hands and kissed her lips. “Cheer up sweet cheeks. You’re on your hen weekend, on a gorgeous boat ride, and you’ve got a hot woman at your beck and call.” She paused. “That’s me, just in case you were wondering.” She gave Abby a wink, kissed her cheek, then swam towards the others.

  Abby shook her head, her eyes still stinging. When she turned left, Jordan was there.

  “Race you,” she said, for the second time that day. The first time, Abby had lost. She was determined not to do so again.

  They were in front of everyone else. Abby kicked her feet, clear water ahead as they entered the cave. Up above were incredible rock formations carved from the teeth of nature. Without the sun overhead, the temperature dropped considerably, and they were plunged into semi-darkness as they raced for the far side of the cave.

  Abby touched first, just ahead of Jordan. She took a deep breath, but ducked under the water at the same time. Bad mistake. She swallowed a ton of salt water. She broke the surface, choking. She bet she looked a sight.

  Before she knew it, Jordan was behind her, her arms wrapped around Abby’s waist.

  Jordan pressed down on her stomach.

  Abby coughed. A small fountain of water spurted out of her mouth.

  Jordan gave another press.

  Abby duly coughed up more water. But that was the end of it, and then she was just coughing, trying to regain her equilibrium.

  Jordan swam around to Abby’s front, hooking Abby’s arm around her neck to steady her. “You okay?”

  Abby nodded. “I just want to say, even though I nearly swallowed the sea and am currently hanging off you like a straggly piece of seaweed, I won the race. Granted, not many style points, but I definitely won.”

  Jordan gave her a grin. “You absolutely did.” She dropped her gaze to Abby’s cleavage, before moving it upwards.

  Abby wasn’t sure which was worse. Jordan staring at her tits, her mouth, or into her eyes. Every part of her body and every inch of the air between them was loaded. It was delicious, but it was also purgatory.

  She had to move, but she seemed frozen to the spot.

  Besides, her arm was crooked in such a comfortable position around Jordan’s neck. She was almost sitting in her lap.

  Think about something else. “Good move with the Heimlich,” Abby said. She could hear everyone else, but there was nobody else in her eyeline.

  Jordan smiled. “I learned first aid at my old job, and it’s come in handy on hen weekends I’ve been on. You’d be surprised at the amount of mishaps that occur.”

  Abby’s heartbeat thudded in her chest as Jordan’s voice dropped lower as she spoke, her tongue brushing her lips.

  It would be so easy to lean forward now. To kiss her full lips in the semi-light of the cave. Instead, she pushed herself off the wall, rolled onto her back and stared up at the cave’s roof. It was far more calming than staring at Jordan’s lips.

  Moments later, the silence was broken as the rest of the hen party entered the cave, splashing and chattering about how cold and dark it was.

  “Was that a bat?” Taran shouted.

  There were screams and splashes from the rest of the group. Within seconds, most of them had turned and swum out. Everyone apart from Delta, who was nearing the two of them. As she swam up to them, she gave them a grin.

  “Fancy meeting you here.” Delta raised a single eyebrow. “You know, every time I turn around, you two seem to be together.” She turned her gaze on Abby, then Jordan. “Are you up to something? Plotting a surprise for the rest of us?”

  Abby wouldn’t be surprised if Delta’s gaze had burned a hole in her skull, it was that intense. “We swam in here, then I swallowed half the sea.” Was guilt stamped on her forehead? She hoped not. “Jordan came to my rescue. So if she’s plotting anything, it’s not
my untimely death.” She laughed, but it sounded hollow even to her ears. Or maybe that was the cave.

  Jordan shivered. “But now I’ve saved the day, shall we get back to the yacht before we’re eaten by bats or die of hypothermia?” She swam a few metres, before turning back to them.

  “That’s not on your spreadsheet, is it, Wonder Woman?” Delta gave Jordan a grin.

  Chapter 17

  Jordan led the group out of the cocktail bar. Their volume had crept up as the alcohol consumption rose. It was now at jet-engine level. Delta and Erin were the ringleaders as far as she could see, with Gloria making a valiant effort to keep up.

  The superyacht had been a success. Abby hadn’t drowned, and Jordan had resisted pressing her up against the walls of the cave and kissing her into oblivion. Probably for the best. Since then, she’d got the group home, changed, out for dinner, and then to a swanky cocktail bar with shimmering gold walls and a gold-embossed menu, which Gloria had declared “fit for a princess!” So now, the whole group had renamed the bride-to-be, Princess Abby.

  “What’s next on the agenda for Princess Abby?” That was Delta shouting at Jordan.

  Jordan checked her phone. Their next stop was Club Orange, which was the only stop she wasn’t sure Abby truly wanted. She texted their driver to let him know they were ready to be picked up, and led the group to a lay-by a few metres away.

  Their minibus appeared within minutes, and Jordan slid open the door, telling the driver where they wanted to go in smooth French. She’d always loved the French language, and was thrilled to put her skill to good use. That it never failed to impress women was a happy side effect. Tonight was no exception.

  “You’re not my usual type, Jordan, but I could honestly listen to you chatting to that driver all night. Even if you are just telling him the quickest way to the club and to stop for a loo break on the way.”

  Jordan smiled at Frankie as she took her seat. “I can ask him where the nearest McDonald’s is later, too.”

  “I couldn’t eat another thing. Apart from perhaps a stunning French man named Jacques.” That was Gloria, grinning from ear to ear at her joke.