Before You Say I Do Page 21
“Please, Marcus,” Delta said.
Marcus’s face turned red. Then he shook off Gloria’s arm, walked over to the wedding car, got in and slammed the door.
Jordan’s heart went out to him.
Delta turned to Karen. “You’re driving the other car?”
Karen nodded.
“Okay. You take Gloria, Abby and Jordan. I think we need to split this party up.”
“Will do,” Karen said, already heading for the car.
Gloria put an arm around Abby’s shoulders, just as Marjorie appeared.
“What’s going on? Why are you all standing around out here?” She looked around one more time, then frowned. “Where’s my son?”
Gloria went over, took Marjorie’s arm and steered her away, just as Abby had done to Marcus minutes before. This time, Jordan couldn’t hear the words, but she could read the body language.
Marjorie glared at Abby, anger oozing from her face. She went to walk in Abby’s direction, but Gloria stopped her, saying something else. Then she pointed towards the wedding car, with Marcus in the back.
“I knew you weren’t right for him,” Marjorie told Abby, before storming over to the wedding car and getting in.
Gloria clapped her hands, grabbing everyone’s attention. “Alright everyone. Show’s over. Time to disperse.” She looked at Delta. “You’re good to do the honours inside?”
Delta nodded. “Of course.”
Gloria steered Abby towards Karen’s car. She put Abby in the back seat, then got in the front.
Jordan glanced at Delta and Taran, then at the church. “I’m so sorry,” she said, to nobody in particular.
Then she sprinted for the back seat and slammed the door.
The whole car was silent for a few moments. Shock reverberated around the interior.
Jordan pressed her head into the back seat, taking Abby’s hand in hers. It was limp. She kissed her fingers. They were going to recover from this, but it might take a while. Especially for Abby.
Karen started the car, then turned to the back seat. “Are we going home?”
Jordan looked at Abby, then back to Karen. She nodded. “I think some distance from Surrey would be a good idea. And can you put the radio on? I don’t know about everyone else, but I need something to drown out the thud of my heartbeat.”
Karen did as she was told, and the sound of a DJ floated into their ears. It was weird to have someone else in the car with them at this auspicious moment.
“And now, a request from Gary and Heather, on their way back from a Sunday trip to Ikea. This one is called Drops of Jupiter.”
Jordan’s heart almost stopped beating, as she sucked in a deep breath and turned to Abby, tears brimming in her eyes. She had no idea how this was going to turn out. Ambushing a bride and running off with her was all new territory. However, with her favourite song on the radio, and Abby’s hand in hers, it was as if the world was giving her a sign. That they’d done the right thing. That everything was going to work out just fine. She had to believe that.
Right now, looking into Abby’s eyes, she could believe in anything.
She pulled Abby close.
Everything from this point on was forward.
No looking back.
Because Jordan had got her girl.
Chapter 31
Abby stepped into Jordan’s flat in a daze. She let herself be led through to the kitchen, where the digital dial on the microwave told her it was 15:22.
She was meant to be married by now. Mrs Marcus Montgomery.
Instead, Jordan was making her a cup of tea for the first time in her flat. Jordan’s flat. Were they a couple now? She couldn’t quite get her head around the speed of change.
However, her overriding emotion, apart from disbelief and hope that Marcus was okay, was relief.
She hadn’t married him. Abby had changed the direction of her day. It hadn’t been in her original plan, but it was definitely her best move yet.
For the first time in quite a while, the knot in her stomach was beginning to unfurl. She hadn’t even realised the knot was there. But now, she felt lighter.
But also, overwhelmed. She was in completely new territory here. Metaphorically but also, practically.
She glanced around, taking in the flat decor. Could she and Jordan work as a couple? Would she have chosen that golden rug? Those striped cushions? Were they Jordan’s choice, or Karen’s?
She shook herself, as Jordan led her into the lounge. She sat on the cream sofa, and hitched up her dress. Her mind was still reeling. The look on Marcus’s face when she’d told him. Perhaps in time he’d be able to forgive her for hurting him. Especially when her heart told her it was the right thing to do. Maybe she’d forgive herself soon, too.
She sat back, trying to regulate her breathing. It was no easy task.
“You know, the first thing I want to do is get out of this dress. Lovely as it is, I’m not getting married.”
Jordan fixed her with her sapphire gaze. “You’re most definitely not.” She leaned forward and pressed her lips to Abby’s.
Abby had always dreamed of being kissed the way Jordan kissed her. Jordan made her feel it in her bones, in every beat of her heart, in every atom of her being.
She could never walk away from this. She knew that now.
Abby could build a life around Jordan’s kisses. Build a future. Build a world for the two of them.
That thought made her smile as she pulled back.
Jordan stared at her, her face a question mark. “What’s funny? Because that wasn’t the reaction I was looking for from that kiss.”
Abby shook her head. “Nothing’s funny. I was just thinking that I’ve been craving your kisses. Now, I can have them all the time. That made me smile.”
“Any time you like.” Jordan placed another gentler kiss on Abby’s lips. “I’d also like to get you out of your dress, but for other reasons.” She gave her a knowing smile. “You want to see if any of my clothes might fit you? Then you’d at least have something, until we can make it back to your place?”
Abby nodded. “That’s an added benefit of being with a woman I hadn’t considered: double the wardrobe.”
“One of many.” Jordan stood, holding out a hand to help Abby up.
Abby took it, just as Gloria walked into the room.
“Okay, you two. I’d say you’ve got some things to talk about and maybe you need a little space of your own. So I took the liberty of booking you into a hotel on the seafront. Get changed, get a cab or walk if you fancy the fresh air. Just have tonight to yourself, to chat and be together. You can work the rest out tomorrow. I’ve paid for the room, consider it my gift to you both.”
Abby stepped forward and hugged her, before holding her mum at arm’s length. “What about you?”
“Karen has already offered to drive me back to the venue. I’ve been in touch with Delta and Martin, and help is needed there, so that’s where I’m going. Don’t worry about anything that end. Delta, Taran, Martin and I can help on your behalf, and Marcus’s family can pitch in, too.
“I’m aware that tonight was meant to be the start of your new life, and there’s no reason it still can’t be. It’s just a different start to what you expected. Go to the hotel, have tonight, and when you wake up in the morning, it’ll all feel more clear. The good thing is, you didn’t move in with Marcus before the wedding, so there’s no mess there.” She raised a single eyebrow. “Although, I always thought that said a lot. When you fall in love, you want to be with that person all the time.”
Abby glanced Jordan’s way, before taking her hand.
She knew that now she’d found Jordan.
Now she had her, she never wanted to let her go.
Chapter 32
“Wow.” Jordan walked over to the window, and stared out at the sea beyond. “Your mum didn’t skimp on the room. A suite, no less.” She glanced arou
nd at the sofa, the bottle of champagne on ice in a shiny silver bucket on the coffee table. Through a large open doorway, a king-size bed with crisp white linen awaited. “It’s almost like she’s congratulating us. Like it’s our big day.”
Abby walked up behind her, and put a hand on Jordan’s shoulder. Heat crept up her back. “It sort of is.” Abby still couldn’t quite come to terms with what had happened. Should she be more contrite? More sorry for everything? In part, she was. But by lying about how she truly felt, the person she’d hurt the most was herself.
Standing here with Jordan, she wasn’t hurting anymore. She might have begun the day pressed down with fear. But now, she was awash with fresh bliss.
Like from here on in, nothing could go wrong.
Jordan turned and caught Abby’s gaze.
“I’m exactly where I want to be, so no complaints.”
Jordan twisted right around, putting her arms around Abby’s waist. “Are you sure? I know it’s a lot.” She laughed at her own joke. “Is that the understatement of the year?”
Abby snorted. “Let’s see. My wedding dress is currently lying on your bed. I’m standing in your jeans and T-shirt. And right now, I should be having my first dance with my husband.”
Jordan pulled her closer. “You look gorgeous in my jeans, if that helps at all?”
“Do I?” Abby looked down. “They’re a little short.”
“It’s how all the kids are wearing them. On trend,” Jordan replied.
Abby leaned in. So close, she could almost taste her. “Do you prefer me with your clothes on or off, though?” Desire coursed through her.
“Follow your heart,” Mum had said. Today was her day for doing that. She closed the gap between them and pressed her lips to Jordan’s.
The effect was like a starburst in her heart. From a day stained with harm, something so much better was springing up. Something akin to a hug from the universe.
Jordan slid her tongue into Abby’s mouth, and she welcomed it.
She wanted all of Jordan. She wanted her now. But they had time. There was no need to rush.
She had to keep telling herself that. They didn’t have to hide anymore.
They were out in the open, which meant they could open themselves up together. No more kisses in darkness. No more sex in confined spaces. Today was about luxuriating in each other. Touching every part of Jordan. Kissing every part of Jordan.
Abby pulled back, her brain scrambled by Jordan’s kisses. She stared into her blue eyes, seeing for the first time some green flecks. She’d never relaxed enough this close to Jordan to notice. She could now. Abby kissed Jordan’s eyelids. “I can’t believe we’re here,” she said. “I can’t believe you did what you did.” She shook her head. “I almost got married today. To someone whose kisses never made my head spin.”
Jordan planted another on her lips. She glanced over at the champagne. “You want to pop the cork on the champagne?”
Abby stared at her, desire blazing through her core. “I’d rather pop the cork on you.”
Jordan gave her a grin. “Now you’re talking.” She placed a hand under Abby’s shirt and touched her back.
Abby’s skin tingled. She pressed her lips back to Jordan’s, and this time, she was going to let her body do the talking.
Today had been hard. It was time to make it all better.
Abby’s kisses grew more urgent. It had only been five days since the plane, but it might as well have been a lifetime.
They staggered through the lounge, Jordan shedding her top, Abby flinging hers off.
Jordan made short work of Abby’s bra. It dropped to the floor, leaving her breasts exposed. When Jordan saw them fully, she stilled.
She ran a reverent hand over them both, before bringing her tongue to Abby’s nipple and circling first one, then the other.
Every muscle inside Abby contracted. She drew in a breath as Jordan sucked her into her mouth.
Abby ran a hand through Jordan’s golden hair, leaning on her so she wouldn’t collapse. If this was what happened when Jordan kissed her breasts, she couldn’t imagine the rest.
Jordan brought her head level with Abby again, a sly grin on her face. “Shall we find the bed and get naked?”
Abby nodded. “Fuck, yes.”
Jordan guided them there, before shucking her jeans, then sliding off Abby’s jeans and pants. She stood back to admire her naked form.
“I said you’d look better with no clothes on.” Jordan leaned in. “I was right.”
Abby shook her head, waving a hand up and down. “I’m naked, and you’re standing there in black lace looking like a Victoria’s Secret model.”
Jordan looked down at herself. “You don’t like?”
“Oh no, I very much like.” Abby pulled her closer. She ran a finger inside the top of Jordan’s pants.
Jordan sucked in a long breath. “I gambled on getting lucky today. Karen’s a lingerie buyer for M&S. It pays to have connections.”
Abby slipped her hand further down. “Tell her I’d like some crotchless pants for you next, okay?”
Jordan’s eyelids fluttered shut. “What are you doing to me?” She opened her eyes. “But you’re going to have to wait. You had your way with me on the plane. Now it’s my turn, wouldn’t you say?”
Abby wasn’t putting up a fight. “Whatever you say. So long as you keep your underwear on to fuck me.”
“Your wish is my command.” Jordan moved Abby up the bed, before working her way down her body, covering every inch of her skin with hot, urgent kisses.
Abby closed her eyes and gave in to the moment. The attention Jordan was giving her, the look in her eyes when their gazes connected, was pure lust. Jordan was making her feel like the most desirable woman in the world.
That hadn’t happened in a very long time.
When Jordan licked her way up her thighs, Abby sighed. When she teased her nipples again, Abby saw stars. When she kissed her way up her neck, she purred. And then, when Jordan’s hand hovered over her pussy, Abby’s whole body roared to life. All the lovers that had gone before were wiped away. All the feelings she could never work out, all the indifference she’d felt in past relationships.
Abby was a clean slate.
Jordan slipped a finger into her hot centre. Abby was pulled under. She went willingly. When Jordan slipped in another finger, Abby’s insides pulsed. When Jordan connected with Abby’s clit and got into a perfect rhythm, Abby wondered if she’d ever come down from this. And when she did, what would life be like afterwards?
Abby hadn’t known she needed a change. She hadn’t known what life had in store, until Jordan walked into that café six weeks ago. If she had, would she have agreed to Jordan becoming her professional bridesmaid?
A thousand times, yes.
Because Jordan had lit up her life. She’d shone a light and made Abby reconsider key areas of her life. Her job. Her relationships. Herself. Jordan had made her look at the world differently.
She was certainly experiencing it differently now. Particularly when Jordan climbed on top of her and pressed a thigh behind her hand. Applied some gentle thrusts that made Abby cry out. Jordan’s skilled fingers made the fire inside her roar. With Jordan’s urging in her ears, and her own heartbeat thumping in her chest, Abby let out a guttural moan as she fell over the edge, everything inside her shaking, a kaleidoscope of desire flexing under her eyelids.
As her body shook and Jordan’s fingers directed her to the summit once more, Abby knew life would never be the same again. Jordan had changed it forever. She came apart in a rush of delicious spasms. They rode it out together, mouths fused, bodies locked, every movement deepening the intimacy.
She opened her eyes and focused on Jordan, giving her a sizzling smile.
Her decisions over the past couple of years hadn’t always been the best.
But choosing Jordan? That decision was solid gold.
eased her fingers out of Abby, kissed her lips, then rolled off her. When she refocused, Abby’s eyes were closed, her breathing ragged.
You never knew how things were going to go when you first got together with someone. But with Abby, Jordan hadn’t had a single doubt. If you counted the plane, this was their second time. More than one night. New territory for Jordan. She kissed Abby’s shoulder and stroked her hair. She ached to be touched. Their chemistry was off the scale. If this was the start, Jordan couldn’t wait to see what happened next.
Abby opened her eyes.
“Hey yourself.” She gave her a grin. “I think you might have just killed me. Death by orgasm. That’s a thing, right?”
“It would make a great story in the local paper. ‘Bride runs out of wedding, then dies of lesbian orgasm’.”
Abby laughed, covering her face with her hand. “That’s Life magazine would pay you at least £250 for that story.”
“Well worth it,” Jordan replied.
Abby rolled on top of her, silencing her. “But enough talk of selling our story to the papers.”
Jordan smiled. “I’m all for that.”
“I only got to touch you very briefly first time around. I’m hoping we can remedy that.” Abby crushed her mouth to hers, her thigh finding Jordan’s hot, wet core and pressing down.
Jordan was so ready. She had been for weeks. However, she’d never given herself permission to dream anything might happen. Until now.
Now the green light was flashing in her mind. She spread her legs to convey her feelings to Abby.
Abby smiled down at her. “Remember, I’m new at this. Let me know if I need to change direction at any point, okay? Just like I did with you at the driving range. If you need to change the position of my fingers, feel free.”
Jordan grinned. She couldn’t imagine not liking anything Abby did. “I will. You’re doing brilliantly so far.”
“You make it easy.”
As soon as Abby began to make her way down Jordan’s body, her fingers deft, her lips light, Jordan let herself focus only on what Abby was doing. Kissing. Stroking. Loving.